8 things you shouldn’t say in an interview

“I don’t know”

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in an interview is to say “I don’t know” in response to a question. This tells the interviewer that you are not prepared, and that you did not do your research on the company or the position. If you are unsure of the answer, it’s better to take a moment to collect your thoughts and give a well-thought-out response or ask for clarification if needed.

“My last boss was terrible”

Speaking negatively about a previous employer or co-worker is always a bad idea. It can make you seem unprofessional and raise concerns about your ability to work well with others. Try to focus on what you learned from your previous experiences, and how you can apply those lessons in a positive way in your new role.

“I don’t have any weaknesses”

While it’s tempting to try to present yourself as a flawless candidate, claiming that you have no weaknesses can come across as arrogant. Instead, be honest about your areas for improvement and discuss steps you’ve taken to address them. This shows that you are self-aware and committed to personal and professional growth.

“What does your company do again?”

Doing your research on the company is a major red flag for employers. Before your interview, take the time to learn about the company’s mission, values, products or services, and recent news or developments. This will help Not you to ask thoughtful questions and demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the position.

“I just need a job”

While it’s understandable that you may be in a difficult job search situation, saying you “just need a job” can make it seem like you’re not interested in the specific position or company you’re interviewing for. Instead, focus on why you are excited about this particular opportunity, and how you can contribute to the company’s success

“I’m not sure if I’m interested in this job”

Even if you’re unsure about the job, it’s important to show enthusiasm during the interview. Saying you’re not interested can end the interview quickly. Instead, try to focus on what you find compelling about the position or the company, and ask questions that will help you to clarify your level of interest.

“I’ll do anything”

While it’s important to be flexible and adaptable, saying you’ll do anything can make you seem desperate and lacking direction. Instead, focus on your strengths and interests, and how they align with the requirements of the job. This will help you to demonstrate your value as a candidate and show that you have a clear sense of purpose.

“I don’t have any questions”

Asking thoughtful questions about the company and position shows you’re engaged and interested. Not asking any questions can make it seem like you’re not interested or haven’t done your research. Before your interview, prepare a list of questions that demonstrate your knowledge of the company and your interest in the position.